Baldwin Park tenants are protected from evictions related to Coronavirus/COVID-19 income disruptions. During the Coronavirus/COVID-19 state of emergency, Baldwin Park landlords cannot evict a tenant for nonpayment of rent due to financial disruption related to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic. Further, the Baldwin Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 eviction moratorium prohibits all no-fault evictions, unless necessary for the health and safety of tenants, neighbors, or the landlord.

To qualify for eviction protections, Baldwin Park tenants must:
1. Demonstrate that the Coronavirus/COVID-19 has impacted them;
2. Provide to their landlord written notice of inability to pay rent due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 impact, with supporting documentation.

Under the Baldwin Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 eviction moratorium, impacts include:
1. Lost income due to contracting Coronavirus/COVID-19;
2. Caring for a household member who has Coronavirus/COVID-19;
3. Lost income due to layoff or loss of hours;
4. Lost income due to government mandates to self-quarantine;
5. Child care expenses; or,
6. Extraordinary medical expenses.

Permissible supporting documents likely include employer letters citing the Coronavirus/COVID-19 as a reason for adverse impact, paystubs from before and after the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, bank statements showing the tenants financial position before and after the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, or medical bills related to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic.

As stated above, the Baldwin Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 eviction moratorium prohibits no-fault evictions, including Owner Move-In and Relative Move-In evictions, and Ellis Act evictions, unless necessary for the health and safety of tenants, neighbors, or the landlord.

The Baldwin Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 eviction moratorium also prohibits water shutoffs for non-payment.

Baldwin Park joins numerous other California cities that have, or will soon pass, Coronavirus/COVID-19 eviction moratoriums, including San FranciscoOaklandBerkeleySan JoseSanta MonicaCulver CityStocktonSacramentoSan DiegoAlamedaBurbankPasadena,  VallejoInglewoodGlendale, and Los Angeles.

Click here to read the unabridged Baldwin Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium.

If you are a Baldwin Park tenant with questions about your rights under the Baldwin Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 eviction moratorium or have questions about Baldwin Park Rent Control, the Baldwin Park Rent Ordinance, or California Rent Control (AB 1482), contact Astanehe Law to speak with a tenant attorney.