Astanehe Law represents California employees facing harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and wrongful termination. The firm also litigates class action employment discrimination, wage & hour actions, and other employee-related claims.
Astanehe Law offers consultations to employees facing employment harassment, discrimination, retaliation, or the prospect of wrongful termination. Our goal is to equip California employees with knowledge of their rights so that their employers cannot gain an unfair advantage.
No employee should be forced to work without dignity. Astanehe Law believes everyone deserves the right to equal pay, a discrimination-free workplace, and the ability to assert all of the rights California employment law affords workers. When Astanehe Law discovers that an employer is flouting the law or treating its employees illegally, the firm aggressively pursues the claim. This mentality, coupled with the firm’s unique understanding of employee rights, Astanehe Law clients are poised for maximum recovery.
Michael M. Astanehe, of Astanehe Law, has represented numerous Californians and has recovered millions of dollars on behalf of his clients. Having practiced for several years, Mr. Astanehe developed an intense passion for helping people obtain justice. Now, Mr. Astanehe dedicates his practice to serving employees facing workplace harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wage & hour violations, wrongful termination.
Astanehe Law possesses a deep commitment to employee rights. To that end, the firm does not represent employers. Further, the firm volunteers over two hundred hours of pro bono and volunteer services helping Californian, with a focus on employment issues.
If you are facing employment discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or have been wrongfully terminated, contact Astanehe Law immediately for a consultation!
Astanehe Law Advantages
Representation without any upfront costs or fees.
Free initial consultation and case review.
Lowest contingency fees for employment cases in California.
Client-centered with thoughtful customer-service approach.
Serving employees throughout California.
Employee rights and employment law expert.
Recovered millions on behalf of Californians.
Representing employees, never employers.
Need to speak with an employee rights attorney?
Types of Employment Law Claims our Employee Rights Attorneys Handle

Problems at work?
You have rights.
Fight Back!
Contact Astanehe Law for a consultation:
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|| (510) 822-2111
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The California Ban the Box Law seeks to remove the stigma associated with previous convictions and give all applicants a fair chance at securing employment by making the unlawful consideration of conviction history an unlawful employment practice