
Click here to access UI Online.

By Phone

English: 1-800-300-5616 [br] Spanish: 1-800-326-8937 [br] Cantonese: 1-800-547-3506 [br] Mandarin: 1-866-303-0706 [br]Vietnamese: 1-800-547-2058 [br] TTY: 1-800-815-9387

EDD representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 noon (Pacific Time), except on state holidays.

By Fax or Mail

Step 1: Access the Unemployment Insurance Application. [br]English[br] Spanish[br]

EDD has developed sample applications in other languages to assist applicants in filing out a claim:[br]Cantonese[br]Mandarin[br]Vietnamese[br]Tagalog[br]Russian[br]Punjabi[br]Laotian[br]Korean[br]Hmong[br][br]

Step 2: Submit your completed form to EDD. [br]Fax: 1-866-215-9159 [br][br]Mailing Address: [br]Employment Development Department[br]State Dated Warrant[br]PO Box 2588[br]Rancho Cordova, California 95741-2588